Thursday 16 May 2013

Possum Magic Excursion

In our first week of school this term, Kindergarten and the Diamond Terrace went on an excursion to the Canberra Theatre. All of the children and teachers were very excited to see Possum Magic live on stage. Majority of the children were already familiar with this well loved Australian story. On stage we saw Grandma Poss, Hush, a blue wombat, Roo the kangaroo and other colourful characters. What a great start to the term.

We were all very excited waiting in the theatre for the show to start.

Thomas and Meisha

Rhys and Emilia

Talia and Jack

Deacon and Zachary

Callum and Madelynne

Sriya and Prem

Kobe and Brock

Maia and Rameena

Michael and Cristian

Ruby and Jennah

What a great show to experience together as a class.

KBMS after the show
Pulling silly faces


  1. Looks like the children had a wonderful time at Possum Magic! Loved the group photo of the silly faces. :-)

  2. We've been hearing so much about this performance at home :) It sounds like it was a fantastic day together. I always love silly faces photos too.
    Sometimes we get possums in the trees near our house, and we love to go looking for possums with torches in the evening. Have any of you seen a wild possum recently?
