Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Investigations Week 4

During investigations in week 4 we had some of the same activities as last week set up. A favourite by far was the marble run, with all students having a go at some stage throughout the week.
The students enjoyed discovering the different sounds percussion instruments can make. This link really well with our learning in music this term. In our music lessons we have been learning about beat, rhythm, pitch and tempo. Having our musical instruments out during investigations provided a great opportunity for some students to explore these different concepts.
Here are a few photos from our investigations time last week.

Talia practising writing her jolly sounds.

Jennah did a fantastic job writing out all her jolly sounds.

Sriya enjoyed exploring the different sounds different instruments can make.

The marble run was a favourite for all students. Rameena and Jack had a great time building a run together.

Ruby did an excellent job as our reporter. During our reflection we were able to clearly see what Ruby had reported on. She produced a great example of quality work for all the other students to comment on. Well done Ruby!

Noah from Diamond terrace comes to visit us during our investigation times. He loved joining in with the other students at the marble run.

Ruby and Talia were using water colours to produce some season artworks for our display.


  1. Well done on your jolly sound writing Jennah. :-)

    1. It has been great to see all of Jennah's learning come out during our investigations time. It is such a good way for the students to apply what we have been learning.

  2. Awesome work everyone!
    I wonder if we might be able to construct a -big- marble run out of found pipes and tubes.
