Our Classroom

Welcome to our class!

As you walk through our door you will see our class family tree...
Throughout term 1, we discussed the topic of families in our history learning. In one of our history lessons, we talked about our class being a special kind of family. In our class family, we shared that we need to respect each other, take care of ourselves and our classmates, look after our belongings and try our best to be a good learner. We created an artwork to remind us of our class family. Every single person in our class contributed to the artwork by placing a hand print on our tree. Everyone who enters our classroom is reminded that in KBMS we are family.

Our class aims... 
It is aimed that by the end of 2013, students in KBMS will have experienced:
  • A safe, secure, stable, educational and professionally sound environment.
  • Programs that are suitable and relevant, which reflect school and department guidelines.
  • A variety of learning styles and learning environments to cater for their individual needs and curriculum requirements.
  •  Encouragement in qualities of fairness, integrity, understanding and cooperation, which will support appropriate social interaction both now and in the future.
  • Interesting and challenging learning opportunities, which will enhance imaginative and creative thoughts in students.
  • Learning based on their own experiences as well as direct new experiences, which may elp them discover themselves and the world around them.
  • Skills and motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) to equip them for life-long learning.
  • Student-directed investigations where students' interests and learning needs are key to ongoing planning.
  • Learning activities involving the use of technologies, including the smart board, iPad's and contributions to the class blog. 
Behaviour Rainbow...
In our classroom, we pride ourselves on demonstrating positive behaviours. To help students manage their own behaviour we provide a visual aid. We call this our Behaviour Rainbow Chart. Each day everyone's photograph starts on the green 'ready to learn' section of our rainbow. Throughout the day, Mrs Maasepp may tell a student to move their photograph up the rainbow to the blue 'great work' section.  If a student reaches the purple 'outstanding' section of the rainbow by the end of the day they receive a sticker to place on their sticker chart. 

However, if a student forgets their manners, they may be asked to move their photograph down the rainbow to yellow 'first warning'. This is a gentle reminder that the behaviour choice that was made was not contributing to maintaining a positive classroom environment. If this behaviour continues the student will be given a second warning and asked to move their photograph to the orange 'second warning' section. If the behaviour continues the student will then move their photograph down to the red 'timeout' section. They will be sent to a timeout area in the classroom or miss out on special activities in class. Mrs Maasepp will discuss with the student why they have been sent to timeout and assist them in ways to ensure it does not happen again.

Through using the behaviour rainbow, all students in KBMS take ownership over their behaviour choices. It also aligns with the whole school behaviour policy. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Our Behaviour Rainbow:

5L's of listening...
We are all great listeners in KBMS. To help us remember how to be a great listener we have our 5L's:
We also have a great song Mrs Maasepp taught us to remind us of all of the 5L's. We would love to teach it to you if you ever come to visit us.

Learning Stations...
Every morning we have investigations for the first 45mins of our day. During investigations the students get to choose what learning station they would like to work at. The learning stations are set up with a variety of activities each week that are connected to the lessons we complete later in the day. We love our investigations time.
Check out a few examples of our learning stations.

Our reading corner is full of great books on topics we discuss in class - as well as a few of Mrs Maasepp's favourites.

In our reading corner we have a beautiful display with lots of ways people say hello in other languages.

Our number station is full of lots of activities and signs to help us in our learning about number.

Our time station includes lots of books about time, months of the year and seasons.
We have a writing area where we can practise writing our letters and words.
All of our birthdays are on display on a birthday chart. It is great to see when everyone has their birthday.
We all help out in our classroom. This chart reminds us of our jobs for the week. Every person in out class has a special job to do.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about our Kindergarten students using 21st century learning tools. This blog is a wonderful communication mechanism between home and school. I encourage all of our KBMS parents to regularly use this blog to review all the wonderful learning occuring within the classroom. Good work KBMS, I would love to come and see you using the blog during investigations.
