Parent Information

Term 4 Teaching Timetable
Below is an UPDATED copy of our weekly timetable. While we always endeavour to keep our class routines, there may be times when our learning activities are varied to our regular timetable. If this is the case I will do my best to inform you of any major changes.

Our assemblies are held every Friday morning. We have four different types of assembly and they alternate each week.
Weeks 2, 6 and 10 are Whole School Assembly held in the Gymnasium. 
Weeks 1, 3 and 7 are our Kindergarten Assembly held in our classroom terrace.
Weeks 5 and 9 are our Early Childhood Assembly held in the hall.
Weeks 4 and 8 are our buddy times when we get to spend time with our buddy class 5GSA.
Parents are invited to attend our Early Childhood and Whole School assemblies. You will be notified if your child is receiving an award at one of these assemblies.  

Our school day begins at 8:55am and ends at 2:55pm. Please make sure you arrive to school on time as our learning begins promptly at 9am. Students who are not in our classroom by 9am are considered late and will need to report to the office for a late note. Your child's regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her learning success. A lot of our learning activities are group oriented and involve collaborative learning with peers and thus can not be replicated at home. 

Fruit Break
Every day we have a short 10min fruit break during class time. Please remember to send something healthy for your child to eat during this time. We ask that you do not send in whole apples or oranges as we do not have time during class for it to all be consumed. It is preferred if your child brings in fruit or vegetables that are cut and easy to eat. During this time students are only permitted to eat fruit, vegetables or cheese and drink water. 
Here is a list of some possible fruit break ideas:
- Carrot/Celery sticks
- Apple
- Orange
- Mandarin
- Grapes
- Beans
- Strawberries
- Banana
- Snow peas
- and the list goes on...

Each day in class we learn a new sound. There is a song and action to accompany this sound. It is expected that this new sound will be revisited for homework that same night. We encourage you to spend 5-10mins revising this sound with your child. This does not need to be a long process, just a quick revision of the sound. You should also continue to work through the M100 words with your child each night. 
Homework needs to be returned everyday to ensure your child receives the next sound.

Home Reading
Starting in term 2 your child will begin homereading. Please make sure you allow time in the afternoon to read with your child. This is a crucial part in their literacy development. Home reading should form a part of your regular homework activities. Again, it is important to make sure your child's home reading log is returned to school each day in order to receive a new book. 

Please feel free to send in a treat for our class to celebrate your child's birthdays. As our school has a nut free policy we only ask that you do not bring any nut products in. 

Classroom Visitors 
We are always happy to have parents visit our classroom and assist us in our learning. If you intend to visit us, please send a note in before visiting indicating the time you are planning to come. As you would know, school is a very busy place and sometimes there may be conflicts in scheduling that make it necessary to reschedule your visit time. Once a time has been arranged, don't forget to stop by the office and sign in as a visitor. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help us on a regular basis with our learning. If you are at all interested in coming in and can offer a regular time each week please let me know. We would love to have you.

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