Monday 3 June 2013


Today was another busy day during our investigations time. All students had a great time and learnt lots. Jennah was our reporter today and she shared that her favourite thing during investigations was the clocks on the time table because she wants to know more about how to read analog time. Emilia was our photographer today and took lots of great photos of all the children investigating. Finally, Jack was our only focus child today as Brock was away. Jack shared with the class that he enjoyed investigating at the light table, the craft making table and the castle. When I was working with Jack he explained to me the game that he and some of his friends were creating at the castle.  He shared that they were fighting against dragons to keep the treasure hidden in the castle. It was great to see so many of the boys in our class sharing the castle and creating imaginative play games together. 


  1. Well done Emilia. I really love your picture.
    Love Mum ❤

  2. Great job Rhys at matching the months with the correct seasons. From Jennah :-)

  3. Jennah enjoyed being the reporter for the day and loves learning about time.
