Sunday 30 June 2013

Ruby's Robot

Today in investigations I made a robot at the making table. I made my robot with Jennah. I made my robot out of boxes, some paper, felt, lace, sticky tape and glue. 

By Ruby

P.S. I like my mum Sonya

The Canteen

Today I investigated at the canteen. I was working with Tyson and Sarah from KLTS. 

By Mugdha

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Interview Questions

As a class we brainstormed questions to ask Mr Powell, Mr Hall and Mrs Gould. Here is what we came up with.
  1. Do you like school?
  2. What is your favourite thing to eat?
  3. Do you have any kids?
  4. Do you have any friends?
  5. When did you first start kindergarten?
  6. Did you go to Amaroo School?
  7. Where did you go to school?
  8. Did you like school?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. How big is your family?
  11. Do you like where you live?
  12. What was your first toy?
  13. How do you celebrate your birthday?
  14. What was your kindergarten teachers name?
  15. Did you wear a uniform to school?
  16. What did you have for lunch at school?
  17. Did you like your teacher?
  18. Do you have any pets?
  19. Did you like to play hide-and-seek when you were little?
  20. What was your favourite holiday?

Callum's Patterns

Today I made a pattern book. I used blue, red and green oil pastels. I made an ABC pattern. 

By Callum

Brock's Car

My car is a snow dozer. I made it out of blue, red and white Lego.

By Brock

Tuesday 25 June 2013

My new friends

Today I investigated with Ruby and Emilia at the making table. They are my new friends.

By Meisha


Today I investigated at the Lego. I made a car using wheels and blocks and doors. I was investigating with Brock.

By Thomas

Monday 24 June 2013

The necklace table

I investigated at the pattern necklace table. I made a necklace made out of beads. I made an ABC pattern that went diamond, oval, cylinder.

By Jennah

Sunday 23 June 2013

My Robot

Today I made a robot out of lego bricks. I made him a rocket using a box made out of cardboard. I also made him a blanket for his bed made out of cotton.

By Michael


Today I made a Lego police car and a police station.

By Jack

Thursday 20 June 2013

Funny faces biscuits

Today KBMS and KLTS had a cooking lesson and we created funny face biscuits. First we discussed some of the things we might need to create our biscuits. We decided we would need biscuits, icing and lollies. Before we made our biscuits we decided on a design we would like to use. We needed to choose 4 lollies to create our biscuits and one colour icing. After we created our designs we got to make our biscuits. It was lots of fun and we all had a great time. After we created our biscuits we had a photo taken with our biscuit and then of course, we got the eat them!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Making table

Today I was at the making table making a box with things inside.

By Rameena

I made a pattern

Today in investigations I made a pattern.

I like mum. 

By Prem

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Monday 17 June 2013


I am playing at the Lego. 

By Deacon


I made a pattern today during investigations. It went orange red green, orange red green.

By Zachary 

Sunday 16 June 2013


Today in investigations I made a book. It is about a rainbow flower.

I also worked at the cutting table with Talia.

I also worked at the pattern table. 

By Emilia

Wednesday 12 June 2013


I like the making table. Today I made lots of rings. I worked with Michael.

By Cristian