Wednesday 31 July 2013

Making a treasure map with Jack

Today in investigations I made a treasure map using straws, paper and stickers. It is a treasure map to help find treasure hidden on a dessert island.

By Jack

The bubble painting with Meisha

Today I investigated at the bubble painting. I made a bear. To make my bear I had to make two tiny hears and one big head and then I made the arms and legs. 

By Meisha

At the doctors with Jennah

Today in investigations I investigated at the doctors with Ruby, Maia and Madelynne. We were making peels feel better by checking their heart, taking their temperature and giving medicine.

By Jennah

Brock is helping

Today in investigations I was building a big tower for the city using blocks. I built my tower with Kobe and Rhys.  

By Brock

Sunday 28 July 2013

At the delta sand with Prem

Today during investigations I investigated at the delta sand. I played with the dinosaurs. 

By Prem

At the Lego with Michael

Today during investigations I went to the Lego and made a little blue ship shaped as a rectangle. It is made out of blue Lego blocks. I made my ship with Deacon. 

By Michael

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Thursday 4 July 2013

Interview with Mr Hall

KBMS had the privilege today of interviewing Mr. Hall. Throughout this semester we have been learning about the past in our History lessons. We decided to ask Mr. Hall some questions to learn more about his past. All of the students had a chance to ask one question. We had a great time and learnt some new things about one of our favourite teachers.

When did you first start kindergarten?
I went to kindergarten in Canada. I started kindergarten in1986.
I only had one year in Canada.

What was your kindergarten teacher's name?

Did you like your teacher?
I loved my teachers. My kindergarten teacher was lovely.
My year 1 teacher was horrible, she was grumpy and old. Her name was Mrs Highland.

When did you start at Amaroo School?
I started at Amaroo last year in 2012. I came in term 4.

Did you like school?
I loved school. I went to an all boys school, there were no girls at my school.

Where did you go school?
St. Edmunds College in Canberra.

Did you wear a uniform to school?
Yes I did. I had to wear a suit and a tie. I hat to pull my socks up to my knees and wear a funny blue hat.

What was your favourite lunch at school?
I liked to put a hot pie in a bun and cover it in tomato sauce.

What is your favourite thing to eat?
I could eat a chocolate bar every day. My favourite type are Mars Bars or anything with caramel and chocolate.

Do you have any pets?
I had a dog called Fergus but he was really old and just recently passed away :(

Do you have any kids?
No I dont have any kids.

Do you have any friends?
I have lots of friends; Macca, Piggy, Porky, Rooster and Smit-Dog.

How big is your family?
Big. My mum and dad dont live together anymore. I have my mum and two sisters. My dad has a new wife and he has another family. I also have my partner and her family.

Do you like where you live?
I love where I live. I don't live in a house, I live in an apartment right on the lake in Belconnen. I can sit and look at the lake on my veranda.

What was your first toy?
A teddy bear called William, but my favourite toy was GI-Jo men. I used to play armies with them.

How do you celebrate your birthday?
Last year my friends threw me a surprise birthday party. Usually I like to go and have dinner with my family and open my presents, and of course eat my chocolate birthday cake!

Did you play hide-and-seek when you were little?
I loved playing hide-and-seek. I liked to be the person that would hide. I climbed trees to hide.

What was your favourite holiday?
I get to go to my favourite holiday spot every holidays. I go to my caravan down the coast.
My best holiday was when I went to Vietnam.

If you got to go anywhere in the wolrd, where would you like to go?
I really like surfing so I would go to Brazil.

Do you know your alphabet?

Every morning during fruit break we listen to some music. This has been by far one of our favourites so far. All of the children in KBMS love singing along to this song. It is a great way to practise our alphabet as well!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Investigations with Cristian

Today I investigated at the blocks with Michael and Rhys. We built a house using square blocks, some rectangle blocks and some triangle blocks.

By Cristian

Investigations with Kobe

I investigated at the game table with Ruby and Jennah. We played a game called 'Dobble'. We had to find things that matched on the cards. It was lots of fun.

By Kobe

Monday 1 July 2013

Investigations with Talia

Today for investigations I investigated at the art table. I made a pattern. It went flower, butterfly, caterpillar. It is an ABC pattern.

I also investigated at the blocks. I made a little police car which looked very strange.

By Talia


I investigated at the painting table. I was working with Maia. We made a spotty pattern out of purple, yellow, green and blue paint. 

By Madelynne